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🎧 This week on the pod, we were joined by the CMO and marketing guru of KURU Footwear, Sean McGinnis.

KURU makes the world’s most comfortable shoes designed for pain relief beyond belief.® Whether for work, exercise, or simply improving the health of your feet, each pair is made with a patented KURUSOLE that keeps your feet supported, flexed, and comfy. 👟

In this convo with Sean, we discussed the importance of SEO, how to boost website conversion rates, alternatives to discounts, and whether or not paid ads “work” for higher-priced products.

‍The Takeaways: 👇

🚀 Simple changes to boost website CR

When Sean started in 2019, KURU had just undergone a huge brand overhaul and website revamp.

As a result, their SEO traffic, revenue, and conversion rates took a big hit. ⏬

Here are some super simple changes they were able to make for an immediate boost in CR:

  • Increased the font size across their website ✅
  • Made it more obvious that they offer free shipping, returns, and exchanges ✅
  • Enhanced the UX on the topbar navigation and updated product categories based on personas & keyword research ✅

Is your CR not where you want it to be? Try making these changes and see what happens! 💡

💰 An alternative to discounting

KURU prefers not to offer standard discounts on their shoes.

Instead, they have a “KURU Cash Program” that gives shoppers 5% back in points on all purchases that they can use on a future order. 💸

When they want to run promotions, they’ll often do “points accelerators.” For example, for Black Friday last year, they offered 3x points back (15%). 

Rewards programs can be a great strategy if you’re not into discounting: they tend to drive repeat purchases, customer loyalty, and LTV. Just make sure your product is well-suited for it (AKA there are multiple different SKUs to choose from or your product is conducive to regular reordering)!

💰 What Sean would do with an extra $50K

“My hypothesis…still to be disproven to this day, is that paid social is [better] for quick-decision, snap-decision, low consideration, probably low-risk purchases…not $150 shoes that solve a problem.”

But, as a good marketing guru would, Sean would use the extra $50K to test this hypothesis. 

“[I would use it on] 100% new creative for social…I would match your $50K with another $50K…and go and create a whole wide swath of creative to test on paid social.”

Sean’s ideal scenario would be to test 10x-ing their spend on paid social for a month and see what happens. We love it! 👏

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