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🎧 This week on the pod, we were lucky enough to chat with a true legend in direct marketing, Perry Belcher!

You may know Perry as the co-founder of Digital Marketer and the epic Traffic & Conversion Summit or as the legendary sales and copywriting expert behind hundreds of millions in eCommerce and info-product sales.

Tune into this episode to get Perry’s take on AI copywriting, the future of retail, the best ways to sell info-products, predictions for an automated future, and many other juice rabbit holes.

‍The Takeaways 👇

👨‍🏫 Tripwires vs. premiums vs. bonuses:

Since they often get mixed up, Perry walked us through the difference between tripwires, premiums, and bonuses and how to use each of them when selling your product.

Tripwire. An impulsive, small purchase that you use to drive a sale.

Example: something that’s incomplete but still useful, like a cheat sheet or short “how-to” guide.

Premium. A good premium only has to be something someone wants; it doesn’t even need to be related to the product.

Example: a free toaster from your local bank when you sign up for an account.

Bonus. Something you add on at the end of a sale to sweeten the deal.

Example: some of Perry’s very best bonuses are mystery boxes.

And one final tip? All three of them tend to perform better if they’re physical products!

📚 3 ways to sell info products:

If you’re in the business of selling information products, Perry suggests taking one of the following sales approaches:

  1. Publish your product on all available platforms, and let them sell your product for you (Udemy, Kindle, Audible, etc.)
  2. Release free, incomplete versions of your content (e.g., on YouTube), and monetize the course/complete version
  3. Bundle info-products into physical products (e.g., bundling a ukelele with a book on how to play the ukelele)

🤖 The future of AI copywriting, automation, and more:

What does an expert copywriter think of AI copywriting tools? You might be surprised…

“I use them every day…You give [someone] an AI tool and a little bit of training, and you can make a copywriter out of just about anybody.” (Controversial opinion, we know!)

Perry thinks we’ll probably be living in a fully autonomous in 10 years, so we may as well embrace it. 🤷

However, this may mean big shifts ahead for eCommerce biz. Depending on what you sell, your product could become obsolete (or at least undesirable) in just a few years.

His advice?…

If I were gonna be in eCommerce, I would sell consumer goods…Food items, processed food items, chemical products…those are all really high-margin, pretty easy to market things that people need.”

Perry’s Pretzels, anyone? 🥨

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