This week on the pod, we chatted with one of the best in email marketing, Chase Dimond (yep, it’s 💎 without the “A”). 

Chase has gained over $75M in attributable email revenue for his clients. 

This episode is a goldmine for all things email. Get ready to listen, learn, and take ferocious notes.

‍The Takeaways: 👇

📧 The “4 categories of email marketing” and exactly which emails you need for each.

Chase breaks down brands into four categories based on annual revenue.

This helps him determine which flows and campaigns he should build and optimize for each brand.

For example, Category 1 brands ($0-100K in annual revenue) should have the following emails:

  • Flows:
  • Welcome Series (non-buyers)
  • Abandon Checkout (NOT the same as Abandon Cart!)
  • Post Purchase (first-time buyers)
  • Campaigns:
  • At least 1 per week (Product launches, holidays, social proof, events, etc.)

The other 3 categories are broken down in detail in the podcast. Srsly, grab the notepad! 

🍎 How brands can prepare for iOS 15.

“The true north star metric here is focusing on people that have clicked on your email, people that have replied, people that are active on your website, and people that are placing orders. 

That’s gonna be the new norm. How do you get people to engage, outside of just opening?”

In addition to optimizing for CTR, Chase is focusing on email deliverability and rendering.

For testing email deliverability, try the free tools and Mailgenius.

🔓 Sender hack for increasing email open rates: 

A minor goof ended up increasing Chase’s open rate, and now he does it for all his emails.

He accidentally put his email in the “From” field. 🙊

But it worked! 


Because it caught people’s attention: It broke the normal pattern they were used to seeing in their inboxes.

In other words, sometimes you just need to shake things up to see results!

📦 What Chase is doing differently for Black Friday / Cyber Monday this year.

More people are shopping online than ever before.

Which means shipping times for BFCM this year will probably be longer than ever. 😭

What should DTC brands do? Focus on fulfillment… starting now!

  • Have conversations with your factory and set up a communication system now so you can be prepared.
  • Talk to your carrier about expected timelines.
  • Start communicating with your customers early to set expectations.

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