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Check out the DTC podcast to synergize with Bryan Alston, CMO and co-founder of Greater Than. Beginning as a formulated hydration product for the most dedicated CrossFit athletes, Bryan gives us the inside scoop on:

  1. Why new mothers are their champions
  2. How iOS 14 was actually great for marketing
  3. When branding can matter less than you think

The Takeaways 👇

🗺 The great rebrand  

Bryan was given 6 months to revitalize the brand. Market research and consumer data led to the discovery of breastfeeding mothers passionate about Greater Than because it met their specific hydration needs.

The support of this community resulted in growth from $100K per year in eCommerce to over $7M in just four years.

🪙 The other side of the coin

The silver lining of iOS 14 is a return to “traditional marketing,” says Bryan.

We can’t simply rely on an algorithm to carry a brand anymore. It forced marketers to go back to the drawing board and innovate. Marketers need to truly know their customers for continued growth and success.

🦉 Wait, who are you?

Is your greatest marketing tool an aesthetic? Greater Than addresses the needs of its niche community in such an impactful way that their appearance hasn’t changed all that much since August 2019.

Influencers and new moms are so integral to the success of Greater Than that Bryan could steer away from the typical pastel color palette of baby products and retain the brand’s original identity.

What does all of this mean for the future of the brand? Bryan predicts they could scale to $75M in the next three years.

👉 Listen to the full episode with Bryan here!

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