How To Create a Custom Meta Ads Report


If you’re using Meta Ads, you’ll want to become familiar with custom reports so you can accurately measure performance in your account. 

The Pilothouse Meta team uses custom Meta reports daily to view campaign performance, make optimization decisions, and allocate budgets based on 3, 7, and 14 days of data. 


Here’s how you can easily recreate a custom Meta Ads report:

  1. Click on the hamburger menu on the left side of the Business Manager and select “Ads Reporting.”



You’ll end up on a page that looks like this. Go ahead and click the green “Create Report” button.



  1. Choose your ad account, name your report, and click “Create.”
  2. You’ll have the option to choose a layout - either a pivot table, trend line chart or bar chart. A pivot table is typically a good starting point and you can adjust to a trend line or bar chart at any time.
  3. A report similar to the one below will open and this is where the fun comes in - customizing your report! Click on the “Customize” button on the right to open the breakdown and metric customization options.



  1. Choose metrics on the right and add the metrics you’re using to measure performance on campaigns. 


We recommend using these metrics as a starting point: 

  • Amount spent
  • Frequency
  • CPM
  • Link CPC
  • Link CTR
  • Cost per ATC
  • Cost per purchase
  • Purchase conversion value
  • ROAS


You can also add in custom metrics link AOV and EPC. Click here for more on how to create custom metrics.



  1. Heading over to the Breakdown tab, you’ll want to decide what level you want to view the data on. For example, are you interested in looking at ad level data? Choose the Ad name breakdown. Looking more broadly at campaigns? Choose the campaign name breakdown. You can also layer breakdowns by selecting campaign, ad set and ad to view performance on all levels



  • Once you have your metrics and breakdowns selected, remember to click save so you can easily review the report at a later date. 



Give this a try in your Meta Ads account today and let us know how it goes!