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🎧 This week on the DTC pod, things are getting cozy with Yuki Kinoshita, the creator and co-founder of Plulf – the first-ever dog bed for humans. 😴

Plulf was created for nappers by nappers and has been featured on The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, the New York Post, Fox, The Dodo, and many more.

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about Yuki's recipe for securing over a million dollars in sales before ever shipping a product, leveraging his Shark Tank experience after the fact, and much more.

‍The takeaways 👇

🤑 The million-dollar strategy

Yuki and his team saw incredible success with the launch of Plufl, seeing a huge spike in revenue before even starting to ship products out. So what was the secret? 👀

Well, like many other DTC brands are also experiencing, it’s no secret at all that a solid TikTok content strategy is playing a massive role.

“I think it's so important to create good organic content… because what happens is that TikTok can be a great testing platform. You go on there and you post videos… and even if it's a flop, it doesn't matter [because] tomorrow it's another video, and you do something else.

What you can do now is you can look at the videos that do well on TikTok and then select videos that you like and then repurpose them [for other platforms].”

🦈 Swimming with the sharks

Being on (and striking a deal with sharks Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner 🎉) was a game changer for Yuki and fellow co-founder Noah Silverman. However, they quickly realized that this was something that they could continue to capitalize on for the further success of their company.

“When you actually go on Shark Tank, the airing night traffic you get… is phenomenal. But what you can really do is take that and now you’re a Shark Tank brand forever. You can create so much content and ads… about how you've been seen on Shark Tank… So it really is just great for our brand, our continued traction, and getting ourselves imprinted in that in that world.”

💰 What Yuki would do with an extra $50K:

He’s doubling down on his TikTok content strategy.

“Making more content, honestly, and hiring a videographer part-time or full-time. We edit all our TikToks right now, and it's great, but it's time-consuming, and it limits the number of TikToks we can make. I think that's really where a lot of the money will go -- video creation and content creation.”

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