🎯 How to Check Meta Pixel Accuracy

When was the last time you checked on your Meta Pixel to see that your conversion reporting is accurate? 👀

First, what is the Meta Pixel? If you’re not familiar, click here to read up.

Accurately setting up your pixel is key to successfully testing and scaling ads across Meta’s suite of platforms. So making sure your pixel receives accurate data is critical to the success of your campaigns.

Luckily, there’s an easy way to confirm it’s working correctly. Here’s how: 

1️⃣ Go into events manager and click on the purchase event.

2️⃣ Go to Shopify or your ecommerce platform and open a sales report to view the number of orders. If you’re using additional sales channels on Shopify, make sure to filter to online store. 

👉 Important: have the date range set the same in events manager and Shopify

3️⃣ Compare purchase events fired in Meta with orders placed in Shopify. 

The Pilothouse team recommends doing this for multiple date ranges — The last 7, 14, and 28 days. Here’s an example of the pixel accuracy for one brand the team works with:

  • Last 7 days: 95.05%
  • Last 14 days: 95.91%
  • Last 28 days: 92.75%

Ideally, you’re looking for the pixel to be 90%+ accurate, and it’s best to check this fairly regularly to ensure the pixel captures data properly.

We used the purchase event for this example, but it’s important to check that all events are firing accurately to maximize success. 🔥

Tracking, testing, and scaling can seem a little daunting sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be. Tap this link to connect with the Pilothouse Meta team and make your data work smarter, not harder.