📦 - Advantage+ Spend Limit on Existing Customers

Advantage+ Update for Meta Media Buyers

Have you seen this notification in your ad account? đź‘€



Meta is changing the rules for retargeting in Advantage+ Campaigns. 

The Pilothouse team has seen this change appear in some client accounts, but it’s expected to be rolled out to more accounts soon. 

Previously, you were able to set a “new customer budget cap” on campaigns - which was an easy way to determine what percentage you wanted to spend on existing customers. 



With the new update removing this cap, you must build the ADV+ campaign differently to ensure you exclude audiences you don’t want to hit. 

Here’s how Meta recommends you do so:


To create a new campaign with a spending limit on existing customers, create an (ASC) campaign with two ad sets:

  1. Open Ads Manager and create a new campaign.
  2. At the campaign level, choose campaign budget as your budget strategy. Set the daily or lifetime budget for the campaign. Learn about budget strategy.
  3. Hover over spending limits, under Budget and Schedule, in the first ad set.
  4. Select it to add a spending limit.
  5. Set a maximum amount in US dollars. It’s stated that it will likely spend less than the amount you set, but will aim to spend no more.
  6. Under Audience, select Show more settings. Hover over Custom audiences to select it. Include the custom audiences that you consider to be your existing customers.
  7. You can do this by selecting saved custom audiences which you made before in Ads Manager or in Audiences. You can also create new custom audiences in Ads Manager. Settings from Ad account settings will be applied automatically.
  8. Uncheck Use as a suggestion.
  9. Choose your ad creative at the Ad level. Use the same creative in both ad sets.
  10. Duplicate your ad set.
  11. In your second ad set, under Audience, select Show more settings. Hover over Custom audiences to select it. Select Exclude to exclude people you consider to be your existing customers.
  12. You can do this by selecting saved custom audiences which you made before in Ads Manager or in Audiences. You can also create new custom audiences in Ads Manager. Settings from Ad account settings will be applied automatically.
  13. Select Publish when you are ready.


Now, you’ve created a new campaign with a spending limit on existing customers. After being reviewed, it will run.


To spend none of your budget on existing customers and only target prospective customers:

  1. Open Ads Manager and create a new campaign.
  2. At the campaign level, choose campaign budget as your budget strategy. Set the daily or lifetime budget for the campaign. Learn about budget strategy.
  3. At the ad set level, under Audience, select Show more settings. Hover over Custom audiences to select it. Select Exclude to exclude people you consider to be your existing customers.
  4. You can do this by selecting saved custom audiences which you made before in Ads Manager or in Audiences. You can also create new custom audiences in Ads Manager. Settings from Ad account settings will be applied automatically.
  5. Choose your ad creative at the Ad level.
  6. Select Publish when you are ready.


Now, you’ve created a new campaign that spends no budget on existing customers. After being reviewed, it will run.

Meta has only rolled this out to a few accounts so far, but it’s something to watch out for as they continue to make the change for more of their customers.