This week on DTC Podcast, we welcomed Todd Gallet from Podcorn to the hot seat to search for the answer to: When should you start advertising on podcasts?

☝️ Bottom-Up Approach

We all dream big, but sometimes our dreams and our budgets don’t quite align.

Sure, Joe Rogan seems like a great host to tell his massive audience about your product, but Podcorn has seen success with smaller budgets using the bottom-up approach.

Todd suggests starting by advertising on mid- and long-tail shows with a dedicated audience.

This is your chance to tighten up your messaging, see what resonates  with your niche, and scale up!

📚 Authentic ad reads

Finding your niche is important, but finding a host that genuinely loves your product can leverage the relationship with their audience to push your product.

A script is not the only way to get all your points across.

Send the podcast host your product and have them talk about what they love about it; they may even include angles you wouldn't have thought to include!

Podcorn created a marketplace platform to easily allow brands to connect with hosts and manage deliveries, payments, and impressions.

🎙 Getting in the scene

If you’re an avid podcast listener, it may seem like the market is already built up and running.

But honestly, podcast advertising is just getting started. DTC brands are seeing success testing in their niches.

The beauty of testing now is the opportunity to get exclusivity in shows or categories.

Testing out a few shows gives you the chance to find the sweet spot of ROI.

Interested in Podcorn’s platform? Check them out here!

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