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Hello and welcome to DTC Podcast, I’m Eric Dyck. Today we have an all time classic episode that features Meta’s Director of Marketing Science for the Small Business Group (and 10 year FB veteran) Helen Crossley, along with Ben Yahalom, President of True Classic, which might just be one of the fastest growing apparel brands of all time, going from 0 to 9 Figures in JUST TWO YEARS.

True Classic’s Secret? Electric product market fit, and Meta Ads - proving that the golden scale days of Facebook Ads are far from over.

Whether you’re a brand just starting out, or a high growth, omnichannel juggernaut like True Classic, this podcast is filled with excellent insights about how to get traction on Meta Ads, and how to scale to 6 figures a day.

We cover:

  • “The Why” behind Meta’s Performance 5 and why every brand needs to have these 5 boxes checked
  • Why Advantage Plus Shopping Campaigns are the by far the most successful ad platform feature rollout since iOS14.5 (and how to use to to scale)
  • True Classic’s creative formula, and how to pair it down when you’re just getting started.
  • Selling the transformation, not the product and lots more…

On with the show…..we’ve got Meta on the line!

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