🎧 Today on the DTC pod, we're bringing you a breath of fresh air with an in-depth look into Mintier, an innovative disruptor in the oral health arena. 

We're excited to have cofounders Jessica Donati and Rhaelyn Gillespie join us to share their exhilarating entrepreneurial journey. This game-changing duo has transformed a simple idea into a market-leading product

We'll delve into the unique genesis of their oil-based, sugar-free breath serum, their Kickstarter launch strategy, and the clever advertising and email tactics that helped them rise to the number two spot for breath mint products on Amazon! 

With a new product on the horizon, there's no better time to dive into this fresh take on entrepreneurship. 🌱

‍The takeaways 👇

🍴 Kitchen innovation

Where did Jessica and Rhaelyn whip up the genius idea for their game-changing breath serum? Why, their kitchen, of course! 

Recognizing an untapped opportunity in the oral health market, they donned their culinary lab coats and got to work, concocting countless serum variations

The dynamic duo stirred up their ecommerce background, sprinkled in some retail knowledge acquired from a Canadian accelerator, and brought their creation to a slow simmer with a Kickstarter campaign

The result? 

A fully-cooked, market-ready product in just a few months, leaving the oral health industry hungry for more.

🕺 A TikTok triumph

Jessica and Rhaelyn harnessed the power of TikTok to remarkable effect, transforming the popular platform into a thriving hub for their brand community. 

Through consistent posting and active engagement, they've cultivated a loyal following that is heavily invested in their products and story.

Furthermore, the duo has seen the immense value in collaborating with influencers, creating a potent word-of-mouth mechanism that resonates with their target audience. 

As Mintier gears up for a rebrand and product launch, Jessica and Rhaelyn are doubling down on these connections, making strategic adjustments to foster stronger engagement. They are refashioning their newsletters to be more conversational and taking complete control of their advertising campaigns for an authentic, direct connection with their audience.

💰 What Jessica and Rhaelyn would do with an extra $50K:

​​Jessica and Rhaelyn have a well-minted plan—to fuel the supply to meet the anticipated demand. 

They would channel the funds into ramping up inventory, especially with the launch of new SKUs on the horizon. More stock ensures no disappointing "out-of-stock" scenarios for eager customers. 

Moreover, by acting on the confident presumption of their product's success, they are paving the way for positive outcomes, essentially minting their path to continued success in the oral health space.

👉 Listen to the full episode with Jessica Donati and Rhaelyn Gillespie here!

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