What is dynamic content?

The generic definition = any digital content that changes based on data and user signals.

More concretely, dynamic content is the answer to your personalization prayers. 🙏

Dynamic content is the key to overcoming Generic Marketing Syndrome and helps you display unique, highly-personalized messages to diverse members of your audience. 

With dynamic content, DTC brands can:

  • Change images and ad copy on a website/email to match the geo-location of subscribers (airlines do this).
  • Switch out product content based on what a customer has already purchased.
  • Map unique content to customers in different stages of the buyer journey.

Check out these examples of brands crushing dynamic content

⏫ American Tall

American Tall starts its dynamic content journey by asking subscribers if they’re interested in receiving content for men, women, or both. 

This simple question can help American Tall collect relevant user data.

Here’s how they do it 👇

It filters subscribers based on their responses and puts them into a personalized preference-based welcome flow by creating one email but switching out content blocks to match user data.

(Added bonus! The rest of the subscribers' email flows and future content will match the subscribers’ predetermined preferences.) 🥳

Here's what the emails look like for male and female subscribers:

Remember! This is one email where the content blocks switch in and out depending on user data.

The team also covers their bases by setting up an additional campaign to capture data if they missed it the first time.

This campaign is specifically for users that placed an order but didn’t set their email preferences earlier and aims to ask subscribers what they are interested in so American Tall can send more relevant messages.

Once subscribers click “update my preferences,” the next landing page goes deeper by collecting more data and asking customers how often they want to receive content. 

This process is the perfect way to collect data and fine-tune American Tall’s dynamic content game.

“The tiniest bit of personalization can go a long way to improve your engagement rates on email. After asking customers via a pop-up if they were interested in Men and/or Women's collections, American Tall was able to increase its welcome flow conversion rate by 2X (it now converts 11.06% of customers).” - Lisa Oberst, Director of Email Marketing, Fuel Made

🤰 Premama 

Premama also uses dynamic content in its email marketing strategy. It starts with a pop-up to collect zero-party data. 

In this example, the subscriber can pick from a dropdown menu to let Premama know what stage of pregnancy they're in: 

In Klaviyo, for example, this custom property is stored within each profile like this: 

Premama then uses that data to send highly personalized education and product recommendations based on unique subscriber data.

It also sets users on a different welcome flow path, depending on which stage of pregnancy the subscriber selected. The welcome flow can look like this on the back-end.

Once a subscriber indicates their stage of pregnancy, it automatically places them into the correct flow where they will receive content most relevant to them.

You can see below that women who are already pregnant see different content than those trying to conceive. 

Later on, women in the early stages receive an email explaining which supplements will help them conceive, while pregnant women receive information on morning sickness. 

On top of this highly tailored welcome experience, subscribers also enter different newsletter campaign buckets based on their stage setting, where they will get more highly relevant content throughout their journey.

The takeaway! 💁

Introducing dynamic content into your marketing strategy is a stellar way to stand out in a world that’s flooded with content. Dynamic content can help you deliver relevant content to the right audience at an optimal time.

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