What Does Your Website Look Like on Mobile?

If you’re not a coder or want a simple life hack to see what your website looks like on mobile without the effort of grabbing your phone, keep reading!

The cleverest creative content team is giving away their life hack to see how most viewers will see your site. 🧠

Remember that mobile optimization is important. Most eyes that land on your pages are viewing from their smartphones. Make sure your site is clean and crispy. 👇

Step 1: Navigate to your (or any) website on desktop

Hop over to the site of your choice. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and click on ‘Inspect’.

Step 2: Toggle by device

After clicking Inspect, you should be seeing the view below.

On the top of your code toolbar, click the button as shown below:

Step 3: Select your device

Select the mobile interface you’d like to see, and voila!

If you’re checking out your own site and things don’t seem quite right, send this to your developers to turn those scrollers into shoppers. ✌️

window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 10616324 });