Valentines creative for the single shopper

Check out this still from a slow-scroll video ad from 1-800-Flowers 👆

Why’s it so great? Here’s what the team at Pilothouse thinks:

✅ Broad Appeal

Sometimes, you’ve just gotta treat yourself. The ‘Celebrate You’ angle is a great way to have an endless target audience.

Consider using broad appeal in your ads! It doesn’t limit your audience in the same way that ads only appealing to couples tends to do.

🔥 Emojis in Headlines

When in doubt, emoji it out.

1-800-Flowers’ ‘Turn V-Day Into Me Day’ as a catchy hook coupled with an emoji is a great way to grab reader's attention.

The more memorable you make your ad, the more likely users will come back if they don’t buy right away.

Remember this: a catchy hook + the offer + a clear indication of the brand = higher changes of purchasers coming back to your ad!

✨ Vibrant Creative for Repeat Purchasers

The copy indicates that this ad is looking for shoppers shopping ‘again.’

The bright colors and slow scroll through products is a great way to grab attention and show shoppers that the company offers much more than just flowers.

It’s a great way to boost LTV by positioning the ad as a repurchase for a different reason.

🚀 Thanks to the Pilothouse team for the creative tips! Don’t forget to treat yourself this Valentine's day 🍫

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