Three Elements Worth Focusing On In Your Next Ad Test

Facebook is a powerful beast. The platform allows you to get your message out there to a broad audience and has successfully fuelled brand growth for a decade.

The Pilothouse Team frequently takes the time to think of fresh ways to spice up their creative using data and learnings to look for the next big thing.

Check out these tips for elements to pay extra attention to when you’re launching your next ad campaign: 👇

1️⃣ To meme or not to meme, that is the question.

One of Pilothouse’s clients saw a 55% reduction in link cost-per-click (CPC) by creating “conversion-oriented meme creative.”

The idea here is to balance humor and product benefit in a way that resonates with your brand.

A format the team has seen success with over time has been “what I ordered vs. what I got”—a fun play on what a competitor might offer (underwhelming expectation) vs. the delivery of something much better.

Using a meme format will show how your product can solve a challenge through humor. A top performer for the Pilothouse team has been for a product with a USP around size with the tagline “big enough to share, even when they’re mad at you.”

2️⃣ Unique mechanism in copy

The unique mechanism is all about showing prospects how your product will get results or deliver on its promises.

It’s about connecting the “oomph” in your marketing message with the work that’s gone into creating the perfect product for them.

One Pilothouse client saw a lift from focusing on how the product was the “ONLY” product with certain features designed to provide certain end benefits.

Another successful test included the hook “what feels good” about using the product to better your lives and how the features would enable you to do so.

List out what about your product will get them results, and think of punchy hooks to open up with–you’ll find your next winner with this.

3️⃣ Why consumers want to allocate budget to your product

Gas and food prices have us riding bikes and buying discounted produce, and consumers are being put in a position where they have to make more budgeting decisions.

Think about how you can use your message to reduce the barrier to entry

  • How will the average consumer benefit from your product right away?
  • Can they shop with Afterpay, Shop Pay, or Klarna?
  • Are you doing anything to promote urgency or scarcity in ordering now?

Try split-testing these statements in your ad headlines (for Facebook) or the opening hook of your ad copy (for Instagram).

If you’re looking for new angles for your creative and new ways to show your audience why they NEED to be using your product, reach out to the Pilothouse Facebook team. 🔥

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