The Platforms Have Been Lying To You

If you’re in the world of lead generation, you’re going to want to get comfy for this one.

Your future go-to marketing team has cracked the code for a client and are going to tell you how to do the same.

The tool to rule them all? Zapier. 🏆

The team uses Zapier’s integration features to push all leads from landing page forms (and their UTM values) to a Google Sheet.

What urged the team to look for an alternate solution to in-platform reporting? 🤔 A discrepancy in reported leads from Facebook vs. what was being seen in their email capture platform.

Using Zapier as an integration allowed the team to see that their higher lead prices were inaccurate. A creative that was about to be pulled for high cost-per-signup was actually found to be the TOP PERFORMING LEAD GENERATOR.

Facebook’s cost per lead? $25. Zapier’s? $2.70.

The discovery lead to a data deep-dive, where the team found that Facebook was consistently underreporting leads. This means that spend and optimization was being put behind the wrong campaigns and creatives.

Discovering the on-platform and Zapier discrepancies has allowed the Pilothouse team to lower cost-per-lead by 33%.

If you’re looking to work with a team who takes data and optimization to the next level and questions the source of all truths, reach out to Pilothouse today. 🚀

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