The latest update on iOS 14.5 from Pilothouse’s Facebook rep!

iOS 14.5 updates

The latest update on iOS 14.5 from Pilothouse’s Facebook rep!

Question: Do all attribution settings now incorporate modeled conversions? 

Answer : “1-day click through and 7-day click through attribution settings will both incorporate iOS 14.5+ modeled conversions starting June 30th BUT 1-day view through will not

Where we don’t have enough data to make estimates for 1dCT or 7dCT, reported results won’t include modeled conversions. 

For 1dVT conversions, results may not include all conversions from people using iOS 14.5+.”   

🚨Note: Keep a close eye on performance as the CAPI 2.0 rolls out along with new modelled attribution. 

Refer to overall spend vs Shopify efficiency if you’re noticing anything strange!

window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 10616324 });