Sponsored Display Ads on Clients Own ASINs


Over the last couple weeks, the Pilothouse Amazon team has been running sponsored display ads on a client’s own ASINs. 

Most Amazon advertisers run competitor and branded sponsored products ads but we see very few branded sponsored display ads.

These ads can display in up to three placements and typically a competitor's product will show

For example: 👇👇

If a shopper landed on your product page by clicking an ad with a competitive placement, you paid for them to get there (and likely it wasn’t cheap 😒).

The shopper could bounce off the page to a competitor, for a fraction of the cost. 

To counter this, the team runs aggressive bidding on the client’s own ASINs with Sponsored display ads to ensure all of the clients products are filling the three spots. 

Test this out for your own brand! 

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