QA Tips and Tricks: Number Ranges


Here’s a quick QA tidbit from Logan, Pilothouse’s Content Quality Manager:

I know you’ve been holding your breath for my text tip, so here it is: 


Common? Extremely. 

Exciting? Don’t answer that.

  • When you’re typing two numbers that represent a range, the numbers should be separated by an en dash (–) with no spaces on either side.
  • The numbers should always be represented as numerals (not typed out with letters).
  • If the numbers are units of some kind (pounds, percentages, multipliers, dollars, etc.) then the unit symbol is only needed on the last number. This is also true when you type a series of numbers separated by commas. 

If you want examples, okay, but I’ll give it to you straight:

  • 60–80% of typed number ranges are erroneous.
  • I edit a number range 5, 10, 15, or maybe even 20–30x per day.

Ranges aren’t necessarily common in ad creatives, but I see a lot of funky ranges in ad copy, landing pages, newsletters, or just communications out in the wild. It’s not like everyone would notice a bad range – but if you want to look like a real pro, getting the details right is paramount!

Stay tuned for more dispatches from the QA desk. 

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