Q4 Email Tips

Q4 Email Tips

We’re back with more Q4 tips from the Pilothouse team. This time we’re covering Email. 

Tip 1. Turn off regular promotion messaging AT LEAST 2 weeks before BFCM.

Tip 2. Adjust welcome series and winback flows to align with your BFCM messaging.

Tip 3. Customer inboxes will be jammed up from now until the end of the year. Avoid inbox clutter by making a heavy push on SMS.

Tip 4. Modify abandonment flows to have a much shorter window in anticipation of high traffic. 

Tip 5. Segment out buyers who purchase during BFCM and place them into a different flow (this is crucial, and most brands fail to do this!).

Tip 6: Clean your email list to improve your deliverability. 

If you have subscribers who’ve been through all your flows and never clicked, engaged, or bought, create an “unengaged” list and stop sending to them. It’s only hurting you. 

Tip 7: Set up welcome nurture sequences to continue engaging with your newly acquired customers AFTER BFCM is over. 

Create flows for how to keep those customers. It’s all about retention!

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