Liquid Death - Website

🏡 Let’s start with the homepage

Ahh, the homepage. The first place new visitors interact with your brand.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so use the homepage to really show people who you are.

Liquid Death does a great job of this by using unique content that (let’s be honest) definitely differentiates themselves from the rest of the ‘water brands’ crowd.

Although a unique header is a failsafe way to grab attention, don’t forget about that first possible conversion point shoppers see.

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Oddit’s  suggestions:

1️⃣ Simplify the top navigation. Consider separating the menu and cart to opposite sides and put ‘shop’ in the mobile menu.

2️⃣ Ensure CTAs over videos pop. You want users to take action, 2x the font size, and make sure your action is full width.
3️⃣ Make everything easy to reach on mobile. If action buttons are short and in the middle or too far to the left/right, they can be difficult to reach on mobile devices.

🎆 Onto the cross-sectionals

Liquid Death’s cross-sectionals are one to take inspiration from. They’re bold, eye-catching, and bring across the brand's sense of adventure.

Adding a banner highlighting key product features may just be the best way to level it up.

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Oddit’s  suggestion:

1️⃣ Add a ticker banner between the first two video sections that showcase key product features scrolling side-to-side. Try the following:

  • 100% Mountain Water from the Alps
  • Water Made By Nature, Not In a Lab
  • Infinitely Recyclable Tall Cans
  • 2X More Electrolytes than Essentia, SmartWater, LifeWtr, Core, Aquafina
  • Instantly Murders Your Thirst

🛒 Let’s check out the cart

Something to remember: your cart is a conversion point—make sure you utilize it as such.

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Oddit’s  suggestions:

1️⃣ Add some brand voice to your empty cart in the form of a headline!

2️⃣ Give the visitor multiple specific options rather than the standard ‘continue shopping.’ Only having two primary products means there’s no reason to force visitors back into a generic action.
3️⃣ Call out that free shipping offer!

window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 10616324 });