Liquid Death - Social Media

💬 Twitter

Liquid Death’s Twitter voice aligns across ads, emails, and website content, following the same hilarious takes on death, religion, and plastic.

While most of their Twitter content features random writings and jokes, they sometimes promote their products.

They do a great job engaging with fans by retweeting their content and responding. More brands should spend time doing this as it helps nurture a relationship when you show customers that you see and appreciate them.

We wouldn’t suggest Liquid Death get too promotional on this channel (they’re already doing a great job with Twitter), but it may be helpful to share a few more Tweets about their products to drive conversions.

👋 Facebook

On Facebook, Liquid Death regularly reposts from other accounts. The brand gets a lot of organic UGC, and they know how to use it well.

Engaging with customers by repurposing their UGC shows appreciation and will encourage them to keep sharing.

For some of these posts, Liquid Death spins the original story to be about themselves, which is a brilliant way to be more promotional than they are on Twitter without coming off as outright salesy.

They share meme-style content, which is perfect for the channel because memes are still super popular on Facebook. They also pull some screenshots from their funny Twitter posts. We recommend they use more of these screenshots for Facebook.

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