Is High-Volume Organic Content Key to Paid Ad Success?

Is High-Volume Organic Content Key to Paid Ad Success?

As ad buyers, it’s easy to let organic media strategies fizzle on the back burner while we’re head-down in Ads Manager. But what if you could hedge your paid strategies by increasing the velocity and volume of your organic posting?

Chandler Welling helps DTC brands scale with content + activation, and organic posting is a cornerstone of his strategy.

Here’s why he recommends every brand post organically 3-6 times per day:

  • Engagement is every platform’s #1 metric for content quality -- this impacts your organic AND paid efficiency.
  • Copy, content, and the offer are the three pillars of an ecommerce brand’s success, and with a high-volume organic strategy, you can find what resonates with your audience for free.
  • If a post is performing well organically, it will perform well in ads. To find top performers on Instagram, for example, go to Insights, organize your content by engagement, and that’s where you’ll find your next best ad creative.
  • It gives you the ability to penetrate your existing audience more deeply: “If you’re only posting 2-3 times per week, only 5-10% of your audience is seeing your content. That means that the other 90% probably forgot they even follow you!”
  • While engagement may suffer at the beginning of a sustained high-volume strategy, it will begin to snowball as you reach more of your audience.
  • Remember the little things signal to Facebook that you’re a quality account -- from filling in your tax number in Business Manager to high-volume organic posting -- leading to lower CPMs 👌
  • Yields data from your true fans. Free from detailed targeting, lookalikes, custom audiences, geography, etc, we get a ‘truer’ sense of what our audience engages with. This helps inform paid media strategies.

Not convinced? Watch Chandler’s full presentation at Digital Startup on how he took one of his brands from $9M - $35M in 14 months with this organic posting strategy.

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