iOS 14 Update

iOS 14 Update

This is not a drill folks. The thing, the big one, the moment we’ve been bracing ourselves for these past months, is finally upon us. 

iOS 14. 

Word came down from our Facebook rep that “the prompt” that makes users choose to opt-in to sharing data with advertisers will be rolled out in the next two weeks. 

No one, not even Zuckerberg himself, can say exactly how this will impact your campaigns. 

It all comes down to what percentage of users in your audience opt-out and how long they stay that way. 

Results will vary from brand to brand and audience to audience. 

For a primer on how to prepare for this potentially seismic shift in the industry, we recommend you review our podcasts with Dee Deng, and Wicked Reports Founder Scott Degrosseilliers.

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