How to find high-converting audiences on TikTok

TikTok Tip!

How to find high-converting audiences on TikTok

Starting broad within a conversion audience is a great place to start, but you can find more efficient scale from targeting balanced or more narrow audiences for your campaigns. 

Here how to find engaged audiences that you can target after just a week of testing: 

Start with two “open” ad groups. 

One targeting a “complete payment” objective and one targeting either a “View Content” or “Add To Cart” Objective. 

Run your campaign for a few days until you have a comfortable amount of signals. 

Now, find the “view data” tool beside the “edit” button when hovering over ad groups. 

Select, “audiences,” then find “Interest and Behavior.” 

Select either “clicks” or “conversions” As your metric.

Use those top interest and behavior audiences to start scaling out your campaigns and targeting these HOT sub audiences. 

As either individual campaigns, or a stacker.

Thanks to the Pilothouse team for the tip!

window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 10616324 });