Have you heard of the Google Ads Editor?

Do you spend too much time in your Google Ads account making monotonous changes to your campaigns’ ad copy, extensions, keywords, audiences, etc.?

While crucial to almost any successful Google Ads strategy, these things can be done much faster and more efficiently. The Pilothouse Google team suggests using Google Ads Editor.

What the heck is “Google Ads Editor,” anyway?

Google Ads Editor is a spreadsheet-based software that allows you to manage your Google Ads account offline. Its most commonly used to make bulk updates more efficient across multiple accounts and campaigns—especially when it comes to a copy and pasting standpoint.

Why should I use Google Ads Editor? 🤔

  • It helps you manage bulk changes with ease
  • It allows you to view performance statistics
  • Capability to download your campaigns and work on them offline
  • It’s FREE

The setup:

Click here to navigate to the Google Ads Editor, then hit the download button.

After you’ve downloaded the software, you need to add your account.

  • Click at the top menu where it says "Accounts" and then click “+Add”
  • You’ll be prompted to sign in to your Google Ads account, and once you’ve done that, the system will ask about downloading your campaign data (it’s recommended to download all of it to make things easier)

Not sure how to keep scaling your Google ads efficiently? Reach out to the Pilothouse Google team. They’ve got you covered. ✌️

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