Google Ads Manager: Campaign and Ad Group Level Tip


This is a simple tip but, for some reason, not utilized by many Google Ads practitioners. 

Whenever you look at your overall account at the campaign level, you’ll see the default screen with the graph at the top:

Hidden within this graph section is a little tool that will help manage your ads account(s).

If you hover over the graph for a particular day, then you’ll get the following pop-up:

The ability to add notes enables you to track potentially significant changes on your account easily, and you can add notes at either the Campaign or Ad Group level. 🚨

For example, use notes to mark the switching of bid strategies 

This way, you can use the visual representation of the graph (pictures do speak a thousand words!) and see that there’s a note signifying some sort of change. 

If the chart shows some significant change, you can quickly and easily tie it back to the change you made.

You can also add and view notes by clicking on the three dots above the table of results at either campaign or ad group level and then clicking Open Notes Panel:

The final way of adding notes is by selecting a campaign or ad group from a list and then clicking Add Note from the options in the blue bar that appears:

We’ll be back with more Google tips!

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