Fostering Sales This Holiday Season and Beyond

🎵 Jingle bells, it’s time to sell

The holidays present countless opportunities to market your products. We’ve all heard of these before, but what we should be doing is taking a closer look at several marketing strategies to see where your brand can offer something truly special for your customers and market ‘indirectly.’

Hear us out on this one…

☝️ FOMO no mo’

We know you have some awesome promotions lined up. Whether it’s free shipping, discounts, or referral programs, consider extending these promotions into the new year and avoid the FOMO trend.

While FOMO is a proven strategy, it needlessly limits your growth into Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

You don’t want a marketing strategy to work against you. With more conservative budgets, consumers are looking for the best deals and will take their time in doing so. Time could be the one barrier between you and a new customer.

Gift cards and exchanges both present opportunities to upsell a gift purchased before the holidays. Extending your promotions for the new or hesitant consumer starts your new relationship on positive terms.

🔥 Things can go wrong, and that’s okay

Let’s face it. The holidays are stressful for everyone, so a little reinforcement goes a long way. 🤷‍♂️

Say hello to holiday-specific FAQ pages.

Crafting an updated FAQ for holiday shoppers not only empowers your support team with additional resources but also saves shoppers time, as all the answers to their questions are in one handy place.

Remember what we said about marketing ‘indirectly?’

FAQ pages communicate trust and exude confidence at times when customers may feel uncertain. While you’re not advertising a product, you are selling your brand’s knowledge and culture. 🧠

A customer who has a positive impression of your brand’s culture after a single purchase will likely return to purchase a gift for a loved one if they trust your brand and the product aligns with that individual.

🤔 That brand I saw one time in that one ad…

Personalize your campaigns to align your brand with customers and those on their holiday shopping list.

To build on those ‘indirect’ marketing strategies, consider that shoppers have themselves in mind and their friends and loved ones. 💑

Are you able to communicate so effectively that your campaign could spread by word-of-mouth?

Engaging this hypothetical ‘dad’ figure is the unspoken marketing superpower of the holidays. Your ads must be concise and have your brand name clearly visible. Write out your brand name if possible because it will be much more memorable than a simple logo.

Ad real estate isn’t cheap, but you won’t always be marketing to your loyal fanbase during the holidays, so cater some ads to be clear and concise with only essential information.

🫂 Like a group hug

Skincare, beauty, food, hygiene, health, petcare… is there anything audiences won’t subscribe to?

Subscription programs allow you to lock in audiences for continued growth — as long as you outline how your brand can be flexible.

For example, customers may find that they have too much of your product, so offering ways to alter the subscription and fit the temporary needs of your customers will reduce your churn rate. Advertise how flexible your program can be!

A push into the subscription-based business model can provide consistent revenue and brand loyalty into the new year and beyond. 📈

Send us a reply to this email with any marketing hacks you’ve discovered that build on your existing holiday strategies. ‘Tis the season of giving after all!

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