Facebook’s NPE team looks to bring back internet creative expression from the 90s with E.gg

Facebook’s NPE team looks to bring back internet creative expression from the 90s with E.gg

You have to admit, it does feel nostalgic..

In an effort to tap into that nostalgia, Facebook’s NPE team pre-launched their 10th product called E.gg:

“On E.gg you create canvases — free-form mixed media collages/pages that let you express anything from your favorite films/albums/novels to a collage of succulent pics to, say, an about page for an app.”

Damn, that sounds pretty sweet. Who wouldn’t want to relive the early internet days?! (to this day, I don’t think there’s a sound that’s brought me more glee than a dial-up connection 🤗)

Why this could be cool for marketers: Have you ever noticed that in your ad and creative testing, the ‘ugliest’ creative tends to perform the best? 

👨🏽‍🔬 Here’s a theory → How was the early internet learning to structure information? They were looking to newspapers, magazines, and other print materials that had CENTURIES of experience. 

(Not to mention direct response copywriters who didn’t have to worry about button colors, CRO, SEO, CTR, etc).

So while today’s high-performing ‘ugly’ creative may not align with modern design standards, it DOES align with the early internet’s simple information-driven design standards (that seem to get sales).

As performance DTC marketers, we put every theory to the test. E.gg could help us discover if this theory holds any water.

And at the very least, it’ll give you an easy way to create some new creative that’s bound to stand out in the newsfeed 😁

You can join the waiting list at E.gg.

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