Email Upsells and Cross-Sells: Part 2

If you didn’t catch Part 1 of email upsells and cross-sells, make sure to check out DTC 131!

Keep reading to figure out how to incorporate them in your emails! 👇

📧 Upsell emails

Upselling in emails takes a bit of strategy, as you won’t be communicating with the shopper during the checkout process.

However, you can build upsells into flows that catch the shopper right before or midway through making a purchase, such as pre-purchase, browse abandonment, or abandoned cart flows.

For example…

Upsell in your browse abandonment. Ashley Home’s browse abandonment email recommends other related products to complement the sleeper sofa the customer viewed.

At the end of a free trial, like this email from Restream. Notice the effective use of urgency with a limited-time upgrade discount.

When a new product upgrade drops. Apple always does a great job of enticing iPhone users to upgrade to their new model. They also highlight related products in the same email, so this is technically an upsell AND a cross-sell. 👏

📧 Cross-sell emails

Typically, cross-sells are most effective after an initial purchase is made. The main factor here is trust.

Why would a new customer buy a different product from you before they’ve even received and tried their first one? 🤔

For that reason, for new customers, you might want to wait to cross-sell until ~14 days after an order is fulfilled—at which point your customer has likely received and used their initial purchase.

Some examples…

New customer post-purchase flows. This email from Bellroy is a great example of timing on a post-purchase cross-sell. It gets sent out 30 days after the first purchase—plenty of time for their customer to use the product.

Subscription reminders. This email from Dollar Shave Club makes it super easy to toss in another related product to your next box.

Content emails. BOOM! always does a great job of sending value-driven emails with tutorials or makeup routines. Even better, these often highlight multiple products to drive (soft) cross-sells.

Now, go forth and dominate your AOV. 👊

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