DTC 382: Q4 Preparations

The Pilothouse team is ramping up for Q4, and one thing that’s top of mind for a handful of brands (okay, or a lot of brands 🤷) is planning ahead to maximize ad spend this Black Friday. 🤑

For some advertisers, this means diversifying platforms to skyrocket awareness and conversions in the coming weeks. 

If you’re thinking about dedicating some ad spend to testing a new platform, it’s best to get started now. 

🤔 Why start now?

Starting planning ASAP gives you enough time to properly set up tracking and warm up the pixel for the new platform. You’ll also have time to grow a retargeting audience once the pixel is firing.

Starting early also gives you time to execute a number of different tests. 

For example, if you’re looking to ramp up on TikTok, you have time to test over 50 creative assets and find winners between now and Black Friday. 

Get a head start on testing now to find your ideal audience before the rush of Q4. 👌

Once you have a few weeks of data from testing a new platform, you’ll see the impact on overall sales and your marketing efficiency ratio, ultimately helping guide spend split between platforms into peak months.

If you’re considering adding a new platform to your marketing mix this Q4, reach out to the Pilothouse team and learn how they can help.

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