DTC 381: Maximize Ad Performance 5

Scratching your head, wondering what else you can do to get prepped for Q4? 🤔 Here’s something to dig into! 

Does your Meta ad account check these five AI boxes? If not, you’ve got some work to do!

Let’s dive in: 👇

1️⃣ Account simplification

Reduce the complexity of your account to improve efficiency (AKA consolidate campaigns into as few as possible!)

Pilothouse pro tips: Using Advantage+ Shopping campaigns (ASC) can significantly help consolidate your ad account. Shoot for only 20% of your ad account to be in the learning phase (where performance has not yet stabilized, and you tend to have higher CPAs).

2️⃣ Automation

Don’t sleep on the automations! Use the Advantage+ suite to automate all or at least part of your campaigns. 

3️⃣ Creative diversification

Differentiate your ad creative by concepts and/or formats. One creative style might be crushing for you right now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t constantly be testing for evergreen performers and new account winners! 

Continuously test a variety of creative styles in ASC campaigns:

  • Polished video
  • Creator-generated content and organic video
  • Unpolished statics — Think those iPhone shot unboxing pictures
  • Polished studio imagery
  • Catalog ads
  • GIFS

Don’t forget to switch up your creative concepts! 

Use different messaging and tones to reach specific and new audiences. You never know who your product may resonate with. 

If you’re short on ideas, try:

  • Testing $ vs. % off
  • Popping some customer reviews into ChatGPT and asking for new tones and ad angles
  • Switching up your messaging
  • Trying a gifting angle

4️⃣ Data quality 

Optimize data sources like the Conversions API (CAPI) or catalog.

Use CAPI, the Pixel, and events manager to look at how accurately your pixel is firing. Not sure what you’re looking for? Keep an eye out for duplicate events that can result in overreporting. 

5️⃣ Results validation

Verify your campaign results with conversion lift experiments. Doing this allows you and your brands to better understand your Meta efforts' impact on your business! 

P.S. Don't only rely on last-click models. ⛔

If you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of Q4 on Meta, make sure you can check off these five points. Need more deets? Click here.

Thanks to the Pilothouse team for the tips to get Q4 kicked off with a bang. 💥

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