DTC 376: Chrome Extensions

🎨 Customize your toolbox

Google Chrome is a popular web browser used by industry professionals because of its security, compatibility, and utility. 

Google also makes it very easy to expand the tools available in Chrome through Extensions. Chrome Web Store is the hub for these Extensions, and as you’ll notice, there are hundreds of thousands to choose from!

We’ve assembled a list of Chrome Extensions to help introduce you to the power these tools bring to your marketing game. Give these a try. 👇

🔎 Don’t let it happen again

Verify all of the links in your content at once using Check My Links. This Extension will review your links in a few seconds to ensure that each URL is live and ready for your customers. 

You can even bulk edit the URLs to expedite your revision process. 💡

You’ll never have to worry about missing valuable tracking data because of a small typo again.🤦

👀 I want what they have 

WhatFont helps identify what font (get it!) is used on any web page. Simply activate the WhatFont Extension and hover over text on a web page to uncover its name. This is a great way to expand your library of design assets or discover a new font to use in a split test. 

Eye Dropper lets users hover over their color of choice and generates the corresponding RGB color code. You can then replicate the exact color in any design program like Photoshop or Illustrator to use for your assets.

🏗️ Build UTMs with ease

The Google Analytics UTM Builder is an absolute necessity for Google Analytics users. This Extension will help you assemble a unique UTM for each URL to track a wide range of essential metrics in your marketing campaigns. 

Don’t let complex UTM structures stop you from obtaining the data you need to grow your brand! This extension has built-in support for bit.ly to make your links short and sweet. 

✏️ Autocorrect like never before

Level up your grammar game and craft some of the best copy you’ve ever written with your personal on-demand editor! 

Grammarly is a superpowered autocorrect tool that allows you to enable and disable its presence on specific web applications, Slack, writing software, and even iMessage. 

The key benefits of using Grammarly are evident in its Suggestions function and AI integrations. 

🧹 Cleaning up the mailbox

Right Inbox is an all-in-one email management tool to craft signatures, send reminders, draft recurring emails, and even integrate with your customer relationship management software (CRM). 

There are also a few email templates for you to choose from that help maintain a professional voice with your clients or customers. 

🧸 Cool new toys

Wappalyzer identifies what software and services were used to build a web page. If you have a competitor that implements a cool and innovative design element on their site, you’ll be able to know exactly what software helped them bring it to life. 

🤓 Metrics, data, and numbers

SEO Quake is the self-proclaimed “SEO toolbox for your browser” that will let you check every common SEO metric on your pages in a few clicks. 

You can also export that data into a CSV sheet to stay organized from quarter to quarter as your brand scales.

Instantly conduct SEO audits and estimate keyword competitiveness to ensure you stay ahead of your competition. 


🤫 Playing favorites

So many possibilities await you in the Chrome Web Store that we couldn’t list them all here.

This list is a comprehensive guide to getting started with Extensions, but new tools are coming out every day that have the potential to revolutionize your marketing strategy. 

Do you have a favorite Chrome Extension? Let us know in a reply!

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