DTC 374: Early Access Campains For Q4

You may have heard us say it before, and we’re saying it again — Launching early access Black Friday campaigns on Meta is critical

These early access campaigns are your brand's perfect opportunity to build momentum, learnings, and scale into the Black Friday weekend. 

In 2022, a brand the Pilothouse Meta team worked with saw the most success with early access campaigns. Yes, these early access campaigns even surpassed general and day-of messaging. 👀 

The learnings and momentum are real. Check out these stats from the entire Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) sale period 👇

🐦 Early access messaging:  

  • Spend: $171.6k
  • Revenue: $317.5k
  • ROAS: 1.85

👍 BFCM general messaging: 

  • Spend: $51.7k
  • Revenue: $69.4k
  • ROAS: 1.34

⏱️ BFCM day of messaging: 

  • Spend: $31.8k
  • Revenue: $34k
  • ROAS: 1.07

The early access messaging won by a landslide, meaning higher scale and more profit for the brand. 👏

Here are a few tips for building early access ads: 

  • Keep the offer/messaging broad if there’s a chance you may pivot your deals
  • Lean into evergreen creative winners with sale ad copy
  • Avoid mentioning “Black Friday” and aim to build hype around a big sale and exclusive access

If you’re looking for a little extra support on Meta this Q4, the Pilothouse team would be happy to connect. 

Reach out today to chat with the team about your Q4 goals. Don’t wait long — Only a limited number of spots are available.

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