DTC 373: Selling Premium Products

✅ Proving your price point

Some consumers look for the best deal, a BOGO offer, or even a subscription service to reduce the cost of their favorite products in any way they can. 

Others are willing to lay down the cash if it means they get the best product on the market. 🤔

If these big spenders are the target market for your premium product, you’ll need these hot tips to prove your brand is worth its weight in gold. 👇

🥣 Better ingredients

Paying a premium for products comes with the expectation of longevity and durability. Your consumers will want to use your product often and for a long time. 

No matter how rich your consumers are, no one wants to make repeat purchases of a product they know is going to break shortly after they buy it.

The cheapest products may be easier to obtain, but their build quality might be leagues below what you have to offer. This only leads to increased consumer frustration and a bogged-down support team. 🤯

Your creatives should reflect your product’s superior build quality and focus on the durability of your product. Consumers love products that they’ll only need to buy once.

✨ Show and tell

Product demonstrations can make a very positive impact on your credibility. It’s all about walkin’ the walk to show consumers your product is as good as you say it is. 

This approach applies to any product but especially those with a higher price point than their competition. 

Gather some volunteers from your target market to try your product out on camera. In addition to some great footage, you’ll also get a very credible testimonial! A fellow consumer usually has significant swaying power in purchase decisions for future customers.

Following the classic “see it to believe it” approach can win over consumers if your product features are just “too good to be true.”

🆚 Direct comparison

The last thing you want to do is showcase a competitor’s product in your videos… unless yours is better

Side-by-side comparisons offer tangible proof that your product is better than your competitors because people can see the differences for themselves. 

Laying down a couple of extra bucks for a product surpassing the brand’s claims and their competition is a no-brainer!

💪 There when they need it most

If your warranty, return policy, or star-studded customer support team is among the best in the industry and available 24/7, consumers will easily understand why your brand charges what you do. 

Sometimes, a premium experience with your brand and support is worth a more significant investment in your product. 

Leverage user reviews extensively with this approach. In many cases, consumers will need to have already invested in your product to experience your support resources. 

UGC can be used to prove that your brand’s support is worth the price of admission to those who’re on the fence about which product to buy. 

💥 Stress test

Disclaimer: Please take every precaution when conducting these tests. Hire safety professionals and obtain all the necessary permits to ensure you obey local regulations and the safety of those around you.

A stress test demonstration is a very specialized take on the “build quality” angle. Stress tests, if extreme enough, have the potential to go viral! Use your wildest ideas and throw everything you’ve got at your products.

Do you sell knives? 👉 Cut through durable household items! 

Do you sell phone cases? 👉 Drop it from an isolated rooftop!

Stop the scroll with a strong hook at the beginning of your video that introduces just how extreme your test will be. Then, sit back and watch your engagement levels skyrocket! 

👀 Gotta see it to believe it

Choose one of these strategies instead of questioning whether you need a price cut or a sale.

We bet your product has some industry-leading qualities that make it worth the extra cost compared to your competitors.

Align your team on what makes your product so special and lean into it with your marketing campaigns. You need to believe your product is worth it before any of your consumers do. 

What makes your product worth its higher cost? What obstacles to higher conversions do you face? Let us know in a reply!

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