Creative Data Insights from 500K spend

As if you didn’t know already, buyers are massively influenced to make purchase decisions on TikTok. But…

What if we told you that SECONDS of video watch time is the difference between top-performing ads and losing ads? 👀

The Pilothouse TikTok team pulled data from 190 ad creatives across three accounts with a 500K spend behind them!

🔥Here’s what they found between top-performing and losing campaigns:

  • Average watch time was over one second longer on winners vs. losers – winners 4.49 seconds vs. losers 3.46 seconds
  • The % of users who watched 100% of the ad – winners 6.15% vs. losers 4.45%
  • CTR – winners 1.48% vs. losers 1.01%
  • ROAS on the platform was 3.9X higher with winners

So, what does this mean when you’re working on your TikTok creatives?

The longer viewers watch your ad, the higher the performance you’ll see both pre and post-click.

If you’ve yet to crack the TikTok algorithm or need some new creative angles, reach out to the Pilothouse TikTok team. 🤳

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