Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

Need help to increase your conversion rate optimization? If your website visitors aren’t converting here are some quick tweaks you can make to improve your CRO.

Brett Turner, Director of Product from WarpDrive x Pilothouse shares these insights below.

Conversion Tip #1: Comparison helps with conversions

Use comparison tables as a way to communicate your product's value.

Compare your product against your competitors or other product offerings in your lineup.

Customers often search for comparisons between different brand products to help them make decisions. 👀

Make it easy for them to find this info so potential buyers feel confident about their purchasing decision.

comparison product chart

Conversion Tip #2: Test and segment your pages  

You don’t want to use the same copy for different audiences.  Every audience has different pain points, so tweak your copy and visuals according to their needs.

Here’s a methodology you can try: Treat your offer as your campaign, your page experience (e.g. landing page) as your ad set and the content within that page (headline, copy, images) as your ad. And then test away.

Conversion Tip #3: Simplify your message 

Use simple terms to save space on your page when explaining complex concepts. Breakdown into bullet points or step-by-step guides so your content is easy to skim.

step by step guide

Conversion Tip #4: Create a sticky footer CTA

Put this sticky footer CTA everywhere. Reduce friction when it comes to the buyer’s journey by making it visible so they can click and add to cart.

Bonus tip: if your CTA is add-to-cart, you can add SKU/color selection in your sticky footer as well.

Conversion Tip #5: Customize your funnels for different ad content

Understand what users expect when they click on your ad and assist them in filling any missing information.

  • For UGC ads, customers already have social proof, but they need to know more about the product (like specs, price, etc.) For more traditional ads, they can view this info already and are looking for social proof instead when they click through.

Conversion Tip #6: Make your content skimmable

Users don’t read, they skim. Play around with colors, fonts, and arrows, to draw the user's attention to the key points on your page. Use dropdowns and nested menus to better utilize space on the page.

Conversion Tip #7: Mobile images should have a square shape 

Keep your mobile images at a 1:1 ratio to save space on the page.

Conversion Tip #8: Optimize your above-the-fold on your product pages

Key elements to consider:

  • Product Price and SKU selection plus any applicable discounts (in contrasting colors)
  • At least one key future or USP
  • Customer Reviews
  • CTA

Conversion Tip #9: Monitor your widgets

Adding a plug-in may unintentionally block your theme's CTA. This is common and a reminder to check how your website looks on all devices.

widgets on website

Conversion Tip #10: Optimize pages for tablets

Tablets and large form factor phones make up over 10% of mobile traffic. Make sure all your pages are responsive on all screen sizes

Conversion Tip #11: Simplify your mobile menus

Improve functionality and reduce clutter. Every pixel matters on smaller screens.

Making these simple changes can result in a better user experience and increase your revenue over time. Let us know if you’ve tried these conversion rate optimization tips and contact us if you need help. 

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