BFCM 2023 Email Trends Part Two

Welcome back to part two of our Black Friday email tips to standout in the ever so crowded inbox.

If you missed part one, be sure to check it out here! 👀 

2️⃣ Mobile and dark mode domination: ensure your emails are designed for mobile

57% of online shoppers use their phones to find Black Friday deals. If you’re not designing your emails mobile-first this year, whatcha even doing?

What it means to have mobile-friendly emails:

  • Single-column layouts / responsive design
  • Large, bold font (the less text, the better)
  • CTA + offer above the fold
  • Big buttons with lots of space
  • Fast-loading images

Another trend you may want to keep in mind is the growing use of dark mode (we’ve seen numbers anywhere from 34-82% of people checking their email with it). 

And because of its reported benefits, like decreased eye strain and improved battery life, it’s probs here to stay.

🖤 To optimize your emails for dark mode:

  • Use colors and fonts that will stand out on both a black and white background
  • Use images with transparent backgrounds
  • If you’re using dark fonts or images, add a lighter background + white score text
  • Test your emails!

These are emails that look good on a dark little screen. 👇

We love how this email from MeUndies says so much with so little text. 

Why it works: They were able to convey a complicated three-tier sale using just graphics and emojis. Doesn’t get much mobile-friendlier (is that a word?) than that!

This email from FitBit is a classic, all-black email on Black Friday. Okay, we’ll admit, all black for Black Friday might be a little played out, but a sleek, monochromatic design always looks good on mobile (and dark mode, especially).

Why it works: Not all colors are equal when it comes to email. Dark mode and light mode users will see different colors depending on their settings. Using majority greyscale helps ensure consistency for openers.

This email from Grammarly is eye-catching and gives you a glimpse into your writing future. 😉

Why it works: Big, bold, in-your-face text with a stellar Black Friday offer. Bonus points for the dark mode optimization. (However, we wish that paragraph text was a little bigger and the CTA button was higher!)

3️⃣ Interactive, but in a “less Is more” kinda way

Let’s face it: interactive emails just work.

That’s why many brands go all out for Black Friday with GIFs, animated text, countdown timers, and dynamic content blocks. 🥳

However, with a move in recent years to more minimalist, mobile-friendly designs, interactive elements will be simpler this BFCM.

A few pro tips if this will be your approach:

  • Test every email across multiple ESPs (lots of free and paid email testing tools you can look into!)
  • Be aware of file sizes. Hundreds of emails are being sent to your consumers’ inboxes over BFCM. They ain’t got time to wait for your cool GIF to load.
  • Make sure your animation enhances your offer, not detracts from it (i.e., it shouldn’t block or get in the way of any offer text or CTAs).

Feast your eyes on these ~subtly~ interactive emails. 👇

You don’t have to go all out when adding animation to your emails. Tubby Todd include a quick flashing text overlay. 

Why it works: A really simple but effective use of animation. The flashing text just catches your eye, so you keep scrolling!

Interactive, eye-catching emails are what TeePublic is all about. 

Why it works: We like how this email for Black Friday uses a countdown timer to promote urgency above the fold and then lays out the offer above the GIF (which is really just for fun).

You don’t always need flashy text or GIFs. This static email by Sweaty Betty promotes interaction with customers by allowing them to “spin” to win their Black Friday offer (but we could see an animated wheel being even more effective). 

Why it works: Gamification like this can lead to even better CTRs!

Thanks for tuning in! Catch you soon with the last part of our Black Friday email tips to stand out in the inbox. 😎

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