5 Stats to Get You On The UGC Train

The Pilothouse UGC team shared five stats that’ll have you on the UGC train ASAP.

💰 Ads with UGC receive 4x higher CTR and a 50% drop in CPC compared to regular ads.

People are generally wary of direct marketing methods because they feel inauthentic or overproduced.

Since UGC is made by genuine consumers, the messaging will resonate with other consumers and engage them in ways that branded or proprietary ads never have.

Your product or service will gain credibility and approachability like never before.

🤯 78% of customers trust peer recommendation, while only 14% trust ads

Consumers are wary of direct marketing for a LOT of reasons.

When a brand talks about itself, it reads like a sales pitch. When a customer is talking about a brand, that’s an endorsement from a peer.

The ideal piece of UGC content looks like a post from someone in your friend group.

👀 Almost half of customers (48%) claim that UGC is a great way to discover new products

27.5% of global social media users list "Researching Products to Buy" as their primary reason for logging in.

UGC expands your reach and exposes you to new communities that are actively looking to buy.

🤳 When users create and share content on social media channels, they get 28% higher engagement compared to standard company posts

If you’re looking to increase activity and followers on your brand’s social media channel, utilize UGC.

Consumers love to see real people just like them featured on social media.

It’s the perfect way to pull potential customers into your community while keeping them engaged with your content.

🚀 UGC is 20% more influential than any other kind of media when it comes to millennial buyers

When it comes to millennials and zillennials, UGC and peer recommendations are the way to their hearts.

These demographics actively look for UGC when researching a product or service.

A whopping 84% of millennial consumers claim that UGC on company websites has influenced the way they do online shopping to some extent.

A strong, consistent UGC program with a steady flow of fresh, authentic content is the main factor to stronger customer acquisition and scaling brands.

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