Timing On Socials Is Everything

❓ Who, what, and where

Have you noticed that a couple of posts didn’t land the way you expected them to? It could be down to the time you posted them.

This factor is often overlooked in the social media landscape, especially considering the impromptu nature of content.

When someone generates a creative idea or insightful thought piece, it’s totally normal to draft it up and post it right away. It’s so good! How could a brand sit on such good content? Trust us, before you tap that publish button, consider two things:

  • The time of day
  • The location of your audience

Their location could be hundreds of miles from your business’ headquarters. If you engage people all over North America, for example, try to identify the most invested people.

➕➖ It’s time for math

Once you have a list of your top three most popular regions, consider the time that your successful posts were published for those viewers.

If this is all new to you, there are some helpful guides and studies that we found online to help determine the most active times in each region across North America per platform.

You could determine that the best time to post on TikTok for your audience is 8:00pm on a Thursday. If your target audience is in Vancouver, British Colombia, then you would need to post at 11:00pm to compensate for the time difference and speak directly to that audience.

Hootsuite conducted a study of over 30,000 TikTok posts to gather information on the most optimal time to post each day. Generally, you want to consider posting at these times for your most engaged regions:

  • Late on Monday and Friday
  • In the mid-morning Tuesday to Thursday
  • Mid-day on the weekends

👑 Divide and conquer?

With all of these variables to consider, crossposting is starting to look like a great idea, isn’t it? We can see why but tread with caution here. Crossposting can save you plenty of time however, you also run the risk of looking disengaged, robotic, or even lazy!

Each platform has specifications for content. A comparison to make is Twitter with a 280-character limit, while Instagram creators have 2,200 characters to work with. Adapt your content to each platform so that each audience gets a tailored experience for their platform of choice.

⏰ Time it right

This provides even further value to scheduling your content across your social media portfolio.

Once a TikTok is drafted, write out a behind-the-scenes breakdown of the post with some bonus footage for your Instagram audience that could drive engagement on both platforms. Then, schedule them to both publish at the appropriate time.

While posts can be time-sensitive, there is no point in crossposting if it wastes an opportunity to engage your audiences.

Have you seen positive results in crossposting across your portfolio? Which platforms work well together? Let us know in a reply!

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