Q4 is Looming… Let’s Tighten Up

With Q4 quickly creeping up the horizon, it’s time to start planning. We know that Q4 planning can feel like a mission…

But have no fear! Here are five things this meticulous Meta team is doing to tighten up their ad accounts.

Let’s jump in! 👇

1️⃣ Optimizing content

Optimize your content around front-end metrics, not just your purchases, ROAS, etc.

These front-end metrics could include:

  • Link click-through-rate
  • Link cost-per-clicks

Both of these metrics signal intent. Remember, just because someone didn’t buy doesn’t mean they won’t buy!

2️⃣ Testing messaging

Test your messaging in all funnel stages around necessity rather than luxury/‘nice to have’.

Economic downturn has people becoming more and more concerned about spending money on luxuries, so market your product from a need rather than want perspective.

3️⃣ Offering downsell opportunities

Especially for higher ticket items, give shoppers an opportunity to downsell. People still want cool stuff, they’re just not overly keen on spending bucketloads of money right now.

Offer them the chance to buy something else and spend less money.

4️⃣ Not scrapping ideas

Just because the content isn’t working right now doesn’t mean it won’t in Q4 when intent is higher. Don’t scrap ideas and angles that are tested when intent is low. Monitor their signals and apply learnings to future campaigns.

5️⃣ Knowing your audience

Know your audience and understand how inflation, interest rates, and market trends are impacting them.

Tune your messaging, offers, and lead generation efforts into ads that best represent your target market. This may include multiple iterations of the same ad if your audience is varied.

Have you started prepping for Q4 yet? Reply to this email and let us know your best platform tips! 👀

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