How’s Your Influencer Game? We Want To Know!

How’s Your Influencer Game? We Want To Know!

There’s a simple truth in advertising that we don’t like to admit: most people hate ads. But when you collaborate with influencers to get your message out, it’s like a flip switches in our prospect’s mind, and they become far more receptive. 

Then when you can create an echo chamber of different voices supporting your brand that funnels your prospect to purchase you can see results like these:

Ask Purelei’s John Hagan how he was able to the following in ONE year: 

  • Lift ROAS by 82.01%...
  • Decrease cost per add to cart by 33.63%... 
  • Decrease CPM by 19.26…

...And he’ll tell you that it was through a powerful influencer marketing system!

At the same time, DTC brands tell us their greatest pain point is building influencer marketing into their strategy.

So we want to help. When it comes to influencers in your marketing strategy, where are you at and what would you like to learn more about?

Send us a note

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