ABC Lookalike Audiences (+ a hack to get similar benefits, without the complicated setup)

ABC Lookalike Audiences (+ a hack to get similar benefits, without the complicated setup)

Facebook is beta testing a new feature called ABC Lookalike Audiences -- it’s a way to build audiences off of campaigns, ad sets, and ads instead of conversion events.

Why would you want to do this? This tactic would be useful to test when you...

  • Have a fairly mature, consistent campaign (wouldn't be as effective on new accounts with limited data)...
  • Want to open more doors for horizontal scaling...
  • Are looking to test a new subset of audiences…
  • Want to target your engagers from other ad channels (e.g. Snapchat, Google, Pinterest, etc)...

Based on tests conducted by Cory Dobbin, Facebook’s ABC Lookalike audience feature shows great promise:

But if you want to get it setup, you may get a response like this from a Facebook re:p

And if Facebook needs to consult THEIR engineering team to get it setup, chances are high that even the most advanced marketers may want to wait before fully adopting the feature. 

How to hack your own ABC lookalike feature:

You can easily hack this feature if you’ve been using Facebook’s built-in UTM parameters.

Media buyer Jacob Geary shows us how to do it:

Step 1: Collect your best performing campaigns, ad sets, and ads to use as your ‘seed audiences.’

Step 2: Determine the UTM parameter(s) that engagers of those campaigns and ad sets were sent to.

Step 3: Simply build audiences off website visitors that have been to the URLs with those UTM parameter(s)

Step 4: Build lookalike audiences off of this audience.

Step 5: Enjoy running traffic to audiences who look like those who have engaged with your best performing campaigns, ad sets, and ads 👊🏽

And if you do want to beta test Facebook’s ABC Lookalike feature, you and a developer can jam out on this page 🤓 

window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 10616324 });